With the physical and logical devices now configured, we can move on to actually creating a Vulkan surface to draw on. From there, we can actually start fiddling with layers relevant to graphics! All of the code can be found at this repo.
It’s with a lot of good fortune that the tutorial bothers to explain how to configure things for particular operating systems, because we don’t get to rely on GLFW detecting the OS-specific settings for us. No, we have to do all the OS stuff ourself.
Or at least, the Windows stuff. If you’re following along you can probably switch out the Window stuff for the respective operating system. As with the tutorial, we now keep track of a surface as well:
pub struct HelloTriangleApplication {
entry: ash::Entry,
instance: ash::Instance,
debug_messenger: vk::DebugUtilsMessengerEXT,
surface: vk::SurfaceKHR,
physical_device: vk::PhysicalDevice,
device: ash::Device,
graphics_queue: vk::Queue,
However, there’s a problem with setting up this surface: it needs a handle to the window. The window we explicitly had to move out of our struct due to causing problems with the event loop of winit. We can try handling it the way we tried prior, but then we run into another issue:
error[E0599]: no method named `raw_window_handle` found for reference `&Window` in the current scope
--> src\surfaces.rs:129:26
129 | hwnd: window.raw_window_handle()
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ method not found in `&Window`
= help: items from traits can only be used if the trait is in scope
help: the following trait is implemented but not in scope; perhaps add a `use` for it:
1 | use raw_window_handle::HasRawWindowHandle;
Seems we need another crate. Stick this on the end of the Cargo.toml
raw-window-handle = "0.5.0"
And now we can use it as well:
use raw_window_handle::HasRawWindowHandle;
Finally, some progress. We can start making our function to create a surface:
fn create_surface(window: &winit::window::Window) -> vk::SurfaceKHR {
let surface_create_info =
Except… a problem. We need the create info, which needs details from the raw window handle. However, it seems we now yield not a raw window handle, but a raw window handle wrapped in an enum for all the potential operating systems we might be dealing with. It seems we’re going to be handling this OS-agnostically after all! In terms of actual OS support, we have… Xcb, Xlib, Win32, Android, and Wayland. Our raw window handle can be more OSes than that, so we’ll have to do some error handling on top of that. The end result looks like this:
fn create_surface(window: &winit::window::Window, entry: &ash::Entry, instance: &ash::Instance) -> VkResult<vk::SurfaceKHR> {
match window.raw_window_handle() {
raw_window_handle::RawWindowHandle::AndroidNdk(handle) => {
let surface_create_info = vk::AndroidSurfaceCreateInfoKHR {
s_type: vk::StructureType::ANDROID_SURFACE_CREATE_INFO_KHR,
window: handle.a_native_window,
let android_surface = AndroidSurface::new(&entry, &instance);
unsafe { android_surface.create_android_surface(&surface_create_info, None) }
raw_window_handle::RawWindowHandle::Win32(handle) => {
let surface_create_info = vk::Win32SurfaceCreateInfoKHR {
s_type: vk::StructureType::WIN32_SURFACE_CREATE_INFO_KHR,
hwnd: handle.hwnd,
hinstance: handle.hinstance,
let win32_surface = Win32Surface::new(&entry, &instance);
unsafe { win32_surface.create_win32_surface(&surface_create_info, None) }
raw_window_handle::RawWindowHandle::Wayland(handle) => {
let surface_create_info = vk::WaylandSurfaceCreateInfoKHR {
s_type: vk::StructureType::WAYLAND_SURFACE_CREATE_INFO_KHR,
display: handle.surface,
let wayland_surface = WaylandSurface::new(&entry, &instance);
unsafe { wayland_surface.create_wayland_surface(&surface_create_info, None) }
raw_window_handle::RawWindowHandle::Xcb(handle) => {
let surface_create_info = vk::XcbSurfaceCreateInfoKHR {
s_type: vk::StructureType::XCB_SURFACE_CREATE_INFO_KHR,
window: handle.window,
let xcb_surface = XcbSurface::new(&entry, &instance);
unsafe { xcb_surface.create_xcb_surface(&surface_create_info, None) }
raw_window_handle::RawWindowHandle::Xlib(handle) => {
let surface_create_info = vk::XlibSurfaceCreateInfoKHR {
s_type: vk::StructureType::XLIB_SURFACE_CREATE_INFO_KHR,
window: handle.window,
let xlib_surface = XlibSurface::new(&entry, &instance);
unsafe { xlib_surface.create_xlib_surface(&surface_create_info, None) }
However, we’re still not free from that pesky partial move problem. There is a solution, though: break cleanup
off of our struct and make it a function for a new struct that takes just all our Vulkan stuff, and then the move should work out fine.
error[E0507]: cannot move out of `self.entry`, a captured variable in an `FnMut` closure
--> src\surfaces.rs:253:32
243 | pub fn run(mut self) -> ! {
| -------- captured outer variable
244 | self.event_loop.run(move |event, _, control_flow| {
| _____________________________-
245 | | *control_flow = ControlFlow::Wait;
246 | |
247 | | match event {
... |
253 | | entry: self.entry,
| | ^^^^^^^^^^ move occurs because `self.entry` has type `ash::Entry`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
... |
264 | | }
265 | | });
| |_________- captured by this `FnMut` closure
error[E0507]: cannot move out of `self.instance`, a captured variable in an `FnMut` closure
--> src\surfaces.rs:254:35
243 | pub fn run(mut self) -> ! {
| -------- captured outer variable
244 | self.event_loop.run(move |event, _, control_flow| {
| _____________________________-
245 | | *control_flow = ControlFlow::Wait;
246 | |
247 | | match event {
... |
254 | | instance: self.instance,
| | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ move occurs because `self.instance` has type `ash::Instance`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
... |
264 | | }
265 | | });
| |_________- captured by this `FnMut` closure
error[E0507]: cannot move out of `self.device`, a captured variable in an `FnMut` closure
--> src\surfaces.rs:258:33
243 | pub fn run(mut self) -> ! {
| -------- captured outer variable
244 | self.event_loop.run(move |event, _, control_flow| {
| _____________________________-
245 | | *control_flow = ControlFlow::Wait;
246 | |
247 | | match event {
... |
258 | | device: self.device,
| | ^^^^^^^^^^^ move occurs because `self.device` has type `ash::Device`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
... |
264 | | }
265 | | });
| |_________- captured by this `FnMut` closure
Or not. Seems a bit more toying around is necessary.
pub struct VulkanDetails<'a> {
entry: & 'a mut ash::Entry,
instance: & 'a mut ash::Instance,
debug_messenger: & 'a mut vk::DebugUtilsMessengerEXT,
surface: & 'a mut vk::SurfaceKHR,
physical_device: & 'a mut vk::PhysicalDevice,
device: & 'a mut ash::Device,
graphics_queue: & 'a mut vk::Queue,
impl Drop for VulkanDetails<'_> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
DebugUtils::new(&self.entry, &self.instance).destroy_debug_utils_messenger(*self.debug_messenger, None);
And with that, our run
now looks like this:
pub fn run(mut self) -> ! {
self.event_loop.run(move |event, _, control_flow| {
*control_flow = ControlFlow::Wait;
match event {
Event::WindowEvent {
event: WindowEvent::CloseRequested,
} if window_id == self.window.id() => {
VulkanDetails {
entry: &mut self.entry,
instance: &mut self.instance,
debug_messenger: &mut self.debug_messenger,
surface: &mut self.surface,
physical_device: &mut self.physical_device,
device: &mut self.device,
graphics_queue: &mut self.graphics_queue,
*control_flow = ControlFlow::Exit
_ => (),
However, now we need to actually destroy the surface. This is simple enough:
impl Drop for VulkanDetails<'_> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
DebugUtils::new(self.entry, self.instance).destroy_debug_utils_messenger(*self.debug_messenger, None);
Surface::new(self.entry, self.instance).destroy_surface(*self.surface, None);
And with that, we now have a surface integrated, and another struct to maintain. We can probably handle this a bit better. Let’s fold that struct into our application and create a cleanup function that runs just on that struct, to avoid the partial move. And while we’re at it let’s remove all those panics:
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::ffi::c_void;
use ash::prelude::*;
use ash::{vk, Entry};
use winit::{
event::{Event, WindowEvent},
event_loop::{ControlFlow, EventLoop},
use ash::extensions::khr::{AndroidSurface, WaylandSurface, Win32Surface, XcbSurface, XlibSurface};
use ash::extensions::khr::Surface;
use ash::extensions::ext::DebugUtils;
use raw_window_handle::HasRawWindowHandle;
const WIDTH : u32 = 800;
const HEIGHT : u32 = 600;
const VALIDATION_LAYERS : &[*const i8] = &[
unsafe { CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked("VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation\0".as_bytes()).as_ptr() }
const REQUIRED_EXTENSIONS : &[*const i8] = &[
extern "system" fn debug_callback(
_message_severity: vk::DebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT,
_message_type: vk::DebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT,
callback_data: *const vk::DebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT,
_: *mut c_void,
) -> vk::Bool32 {
print!("validation layer: {}", unsafe { CStr::from_ptr((*callback_data).p_message).to_str().unwrap() });
pub struct VulkanDetails {
entry: ash::Entry,
instance: ash::Instance,
debug_messenger: vk::DebugUtilsMessengerEXT,
surface: vk::SurfaceKHR,
physical_device: vk::PhysicalDevice,
device: ash::Device,
graphics_queue: vk::Queue,
pub struct HelloTriangleApplication {
event_loop: winit::event_loop::EventLoop<()>,
window: winit::window::Window,
vulkan_details: VulkanDetails,
impl VulkanDetails {
pub fn new(window: &winit::window::Window) -> Self {
let (entry, instance, debug_messenger, surface, physical_device, device, graphics_queue) = VulkanDetails::init_vulkan(&window);
Self {
entry: entry,
instance: instance,
debug_messenger: debug_messenger,
surface: surface,
physical_device: physical_device,
device: device,
graphics_queue: graphics_queue,
fn init_vulkan(window: &winit::window::Window) -> (
) {
let entry = Entry::linked();
let instance = VulkanDetails::create_instance(&entry).unwrap();
let debug_messenger = VulkanDetails::create_debug_messenger(&entry, &instance);
let surface = VulkanDetails::create_surface(&window, &entry, &instance).unwrap();
let physical_device = VulkanDetails::pick_physical_device(&instance).unwrap();
let device = VulkanDetails::create_logical_device(&instance, &physical_device);
let graphics_queue = unsafe { device.get_device_queue(VulkanDetails::find_queue_familes(&instance, &physical_device).unwrap() as u32, 0) };
(entry, instance, debug_messenger, surface, physical_device, device, graphics_queue)
fn create_instance(entry: &ash::Entry) -> VkResult<ash::Instance> {
if !VulkanDetails::check_validation_layer_support(&entry)
let app_info = vk::ApplicationInfo {
s_type: vk::StructureType::APPLICATION_INFO,
p_application_name: unsafe { CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked("Hello Triangle\0".as_bytes()).as_ptr() },
application_version: vk::make_api_version(0, 1, 0, 0),
p_engine_name: unsafe { CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked("No Engine\0".as_bytes()).as_ptr() },
engine_version: vk::make_api_version(0, 1, 0, 0),
api_version: vk::make_api_version(0, 1, 0, 0),
let create_info = vk::InstanceCreateInfo {
p_application_info: &app_info,
enabled_layer_count: VALIDATION_LAYERS.len() as u32,
pp_enabled_layer_names: VALIDATION_LAYERS.as_ptr(),
enabled_extension_count: REQUIRED_EXTENSIONS.len() as u32,
pp_enabled_extension_names: REQUIRED_EXTENSIONS.as_ptr(),
p_next: &VulkanDetails::populate_debug_messenger_create_info() as *const _ as *const c_void,
unsafe { entry.create_instance(&create_info, None) }
fn check_validation_layer_support(entry: &ash::Entry) -> bool
let layer_properties = entry.enumerate_instance_layer_properties().unwrap();
for layer in VALIDATION_LAYERS {
if let None = layer_properties.iter().find(|l| {
// This horrible construction is because Vulkan operates with C strings and Rust does not
unsafe { &CStr::from_ptr(l.layer_name.as_ptr()).to_str().unwrap() == &CStr::from_ptr(*layer).to_str().unwrap() }
return false
fn create_debug_messenger(entry: &ash::Entry, instance: &ash::Instance) -> vk::DebugUtilsMessengerEXT {
unsafe { DebugUtils::new(&entry, &instance).create_debug_utils_messenger(&VulkanDetails::populate_debug_messenger_create_info(), None).unwrap() }
fn create_surface(window: &winit::window::Window, entry: &ash::Entry, instance: &ash::Instance) -> VkResult<vk::SurfaceKHR> {
match window.raw_window_handle() {
raw_window_handle::RawWindowHandle::AndroidNdk(handle) => {
let surface_create_info = vk::AndroidSurfaceCreateInfoKHR {
s_type: vk::StructureType::ANDROID_SURFACE_CREATE_INFO_KHR,
window: handle.a_native_window,
let android_surface = AndroidSurface::new(&entry, &instance);
unsafe { android_surface.create_android_surface(&surface_create_info, None) }
raw_window_handle::RawWindowHandle::Win32(handle) => {
let surface_create_info = vk::Win32SurfaceCreateInfoKHR {
s_type: vk::StructureType::WIN32_SURFACE_CREATE_INFO_KHR,
hwnd: handle.hwnd,
hinstance: handle.hinstance,
let win32_surface = Win32Surface::new(&entry, &instance);
unsafe { win32_surface.create_win32_surface(&surface_create_info, None) }
raw_window_handle::RawWindowHandle::Wayland(handle) => {
let surface_create_info = vk::WaylandSurfaceCreateInfoKHR {
s_type: vk::StructureType::WAYLAND_SURFACE_CREATE_INFO_KHR,
display: handle.surface,
let wayland_surface = WaylandSurface::new(&entry, &instance);
unsafe { wayland_surface.create_wayland_surface(&surface_create_info, None) }
raw_window_handle::RawWindowHandle::Xcb(handle) => {
let surface_create_info = vk::XcbSurfaceCreateInfoKHR {
s_type: vk::StructureType::XCB_SURFACE_CREATE_INFO_KHR,
window: handle.window,
let xcb_surface = XcbSurface::new(&entry, &instance);
unsafe { xcb_surface.create_xcb_surface(&surface_create_info, None) }
raw_window_handle::RawWindowHandle::Xlib(handle) => {
let surface_create_info = vk::XlibSurfaceCreateInfoKHR {
s_type: vk::StructureType::XLIB_SURFACE_CREATE_INFO_KHR,
window: handle.window,
let xlib_surface = XlibSurface::new(&entry, &instance);
unsafe { xlib_surface.create_xlib_surface(&surface_create_info, None) }
fn populate_debug_messenger_create_info() -> vk::DebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT {
vk::DebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT {
message_severity: vk::DebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT::VERBOSE |
vk::DebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT::WARNING |
message_type: vk::DebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT::GENERAL |
vk::DebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT::VALIDATION |
pfn_user_callback: Some(debug_callback),
fn pick_physical_device(instance: &ash::Instance) -> VkResult<vk::PhysicalDevice> {
let mut physical_device: Option<vk::PhysicalDevice> = None;
let devices = unsafe { instance.enumerate_physical_devices().unwrap() };
if devices.len() == 0 {
for device in devices {
if VulkanDetails::is_device_suitable(&instance, &device) {
physical_device = Some(device);
fn is_device_suitable(instance: &ash::Instance, device: &vk::PhysicalDevice) -> bool {
VulkanDetails::find_queue_familes(instance, device).is_some()
fn find_queue_familes(instance: &ash::Instance, device: &vk::PhysicalDevice) -> Option<usize> {
let queue_family_properties = unsafe { instance.get_physical_device_queue_family_properties(*device) };
queue_family_properties.iter().position(|&queue_family| queue_family.queue_flags & vk::QueueFlags::GRAPHICS == vk::QueueFlags::GRAPHICS)
fn create_logical_device(instance: &ash::Instance, physical_device: &vk::PhysicalDevice) -> ash::Device {
let device_queue_create_info = vk::DeviceQueueCreateInfo {
s_type: vk::StructureType::DEVICE_QUEUE_CREATE_INFO,
queue_family_index: VulkanDetails::find_queue_familes(instance, physical_device).unwrap() as u32,
queue_count: 1,
p_queue_priorities: &1.0,
let device_features = vk::PhysicalDeviceFeatures {
let device_create_info = vk::DeviceCreateInfo {
s_type: vk::StructureType::DEVICE_CREATE_INFO,
queue_create_info_count: 1,
p_queue_create_infos: &device_queue_create_info,
p_enabled_features: &device_features,
enabled_layer_count: VALIDATION_LAYERS.len() as u32,
pp_enabled_layer_names: VALIDATION_LAYERS.as_ptr(),
unsafe { instance.create_device(*physical_device, &device_create_info, None).unwrap() }
fn cleanup(&mut self) {
unsafe {
DebugUtils::new(&self.entry, &self.instance).destroy_debug_utils_messenger(self.debug_messenger, None);
Surface::new(&self.entry, &self.instance).destroy_surface(self.surface, None);
impl HelloTriangleApplication {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let (event_loop, window) = HelloTriangleApplication::init_window().unwrap();
let vulkan_details = VulkanDetails::new(&window);
Self {
event_loop: event_loop,
window: window,
vulkan_details: vulkan_details,
pub fn run(mut self) -> ! {
self.event_loop.run(move |event, _, control_flow| {
*control_flow = ControlFlow::Wait;
match event {
Event::WindowEvent {
event: WindowEvent::CloseRequested,
} if window_id == self.window.id() => {
*control_flow = ControlFlow::Exit
_ => (),
fn init_window() -> Result<(winit::event_loop::EventLoop<()>, winit::window::Window), winit::error::OsError> {
let event_loop = EventLoop::new();
let window = WindowBuilder::new()
.with_inner_size(PhysicalSize::new(WIDTH, HEIGHT))
Ok((event_loop, window))
Now we can move on to adding support for presentation queues. This requires modifying our find_queue_families
function to output two indices:
fn find_queue_familes(entry: &ash::Entry, instance: &ash::Instance, device: &vk::PhysicalDevice, surface: &vk::SurfaceKHR) -> (Option<usize>, Option<usize>) {
let queue_family_properties = unsafe { instance.get_physical_device_queue_family_properties(*device) };
let surface_details = Surface::new(entry, instance);
( queue_family_properties.iter().position(|&queue_family| queue_family.queue_flags & vk::QueueFlags::GRAPHICS == vk::QueueFlags::GRAPHICS),
queue_family_properties.iter().enumerate().position(|(index, _)| unsafe { surface_details.get_physical_device_surface_support(*device, index as u32, *surface).unwrap() })
The rest of the changes is a consequence of dealing with the entry and surface parameters to this function, and the fact that it now returns details on two queues. Naturally, this means our logical device now needs to deal with two queues:
fn create_logical_device(entry: &ash::Entry, instance: &ash::Instance, physical_device: &vk::PhysicalDevice, surface: &vk::SurfaceKHR) -> ash::Device {
let (gq, pq) = VulkanDetails::find_queue_familes(entry, instance, physical_device, surface);
let mut queues = HashSet::new();
queues.insert(gq.unwrap() as u32);
queues.insert(pq.unwrap() as u32);
let mut device_queue_create_infos = Vec::new();
for queue in queues {
vk::DeviceQueueCreateInfo {
s_type: vk::StructureType::DEVICE_QUEUE_CREATE_INFO,
queue_family_index: queue,
queue_count: 1,
p_queue_priorities: &1.0,
let device_features = vk::PhysicalDeviceFeatures {
let device_create_info = vk::DeviceCreateInfo {
s_type: vk::StructureType::DEVICE_CREATE_INFO,
queue_create_info_count: device_queue_create_infos.len() as u32,
p_queue_create_infos: device_queue_create_infos.as_ptr(),
p_enabled_features: &device_features,
enabled_layer_count: VALIDATION_LAYERS.len() as u32,
pp_enabled_layer_names: VALIDATION_LAYERS.as_ptr(),
unsafe { instance.create_device(*physical_device, &device_create_info, None).unwrap() }
As for actaully creating the present_queue
, it’s a copy-paste job from graphics_queue
pub struct VulkanDetails {
entry: ash::Entry,
instance: ash::Instance,
debug_messenger: vk::DebugUtilsMessengerEXT,
surface: vk::SurfaceKHR,
physical_device: vk::PhysicalDevice,
device: ash::Device,
graphics_queue: vk::Queue,
present_queue: vk::Queue,
impl VulkanDetails {
pub fn new(window: &winit::window::Window) -> Self {
let (entry, instance, debug_messenger, surface, physical_device, device, graphics_queue, present_queue) = VulkanDetails::init_vulkan(&window);
Self {
entry: entry,
instance: instance,
debug_messenger: debug_messenger,
surface: surface,
physical_device: physical_device,
device: device,
graphics_queue: graphics_queue,
present_queue: present_queue,
fn init_vulkan(window: &winit::window::Window) -> (
) {
let entry = Entry::linked();
let instance = VulkanDetails::create_instance(&entry).unwrap();
let debug_messenger = VulkanDetails::create_debug_messenger(&entry, &instance);
let surface = VulkanDetails::create_surface(&window, &entry, &instance).unwrap();
let physical_device = VulkanDetails::pick_physical_device(&entry, &instance, &surface).unwrap();
let device = VulkanDetails::create_logical_device(&entry, &instance, &physical_device, &surface);
let (graphics_queue_index, present_queue_index) = VulkanDetails::find_queue_familes(&entry, &instance, &physical_device, &surface);
let graphics_queue = unsafe { device.get_device_queue(graphics_queue_index.unwrap() as u32, 0) };
let present_queue = unsafe { device.get_device_queue(present_queue_index.unwrap() as u32, 0) };
(entry, instance, debug_messenger, surface, physical_device, device, graphics_queue, present_queue)
We now have both a graphics queue and a presentation queue, and even a surface to draw to. It’s even OS-agnostic! Well… sorta OS-agnostic. We don’t really deal with the ramifications of what extensions are necessary for OSes other than Windows. Oh well. It works, it runs, a window opens and the console vomits endless validation layer information but none of them are errors. Next is the swap chain… which will be quite the hurdle indeed.